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A Statement in Quiltt represents a periodic financial report associated with an Account issued by the end-user's financial institution. Statements typically provide a summary of account activity, balances, and other important information for a specific time period.

For a more comprehensive guide to working with statements, including setup and best practices, see our Statements Tutorial.


Like many other resources, statements support persisting arbitrary information via a `metadata` object. This can be used to store nicknames, custom timestamps, status indicators and other data that may be useful to retrieve later. See the API Reference or the Custom Metadata guide for more information.

Link to this section#Schemas & Types

Profile GraphQL API Reference

To access the full documentation and typings, explore the schema in the GraphQL API Reference. or use the GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard

Link to this section#Queries

Statement queries allow you to fetch data about a specific Statement or a list of Statements associated with the Profile or an Account.

Link to this section#The statement Query

Looks up a Statement by its ID:

Link to this section#Response

Link to this section#The statements Query

This query uses cursor-based pagination, based on the Relay Connection Specification. See our Pagination guide for examples and best practices.

Lists and filters the Statements associated with the Profile:

Link to this section#Response

Link to this section#Filtering Statements

You can filter statements using various criteria:

Link to this section#Filtering by Date Range and Account

Link to this section#Filtering for a Specific Date

Useful for bookkeeping or verifying transactions on a particular day:

Link to this section#Get Most Recent Statements for All Accounts

Link to this section#Accessing Statement PDFs

The url field in the Statement object provides a link to download the statement PDF. This URL has a 1-hour expiration, so make sure to use it promptly after retrieval.

Note that the availability of statement PDFs may vary depending on the financial institution and the connection provider. In Sandbox environments, some providers may use fake PDFs or Quiltt may create a "Mock" statement preview.

Link to this section#Webhooks

Webhooks are the best way to be notified when new statements are available. To set up webhooks:

  1. Access the Environment's "Webhooks" page in the Dashboard.
  2. Create a new webhook subscription or edit an existing one.
  3. Subscribe to the statement.created event for immediate notification without metadata, or statement.ready event for enriched statements with period metadata.

Link to this section#Sample Webhook Payload

If you have any questions or need further assistance with Statements on the Quiltt Platform, please contact our support team.