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A Profile represents the information about the currently authenticated end-user.

In addition to financial data, Profiles can store important information about your end-users, such as their email, phone, birthday, address and more. While all customer data is encrypted at rest, Quiltt adds additional column-level encryption to sensitive fields that may contain PII.


Like many other resources, profiles support persisting arbitrary information via a `metadata` object. This can be used to store nicknames, custom timestamps, status indicators and other data that may be useful to retrieve later. See the API Reference or the Custom Metadata guide for more information.

Link to this section#Schemas & Types

Profile GraphQL API Reference

To access the full documentation and typings, explore the schema in the GraphQL API Reference. or use the GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard

Link to this section#Queries

Link to this section#The profile Query

Returns information about the authenticated Profile:

Link to this section#Response

Link to this section#Mutations

Link to this section#The profileUpdate Mutation

Updates the Profile with supplied attributes. In this example, we are changing Joe's name and adding some metadata fields:

Link to this section#Variables

Link to this section#Response