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Link to this section#How to Get Access

For Sandbox access, you can enable the MX integration from the Integrations page in the Quiltt Dashboard.

For Production access, Quiltt can provision you with MX API Keys, though you are always free to use your own.

Link to this section#Configuration

Link to this section#Connector-specific

Your Connector's features determine which MX products and institutions are available to your end-users. To enable or disable a particular product, use the corresponding Quiltt features on the Connector page in Dashboard.

Below is a mapping of Quiltt Features to MX products. Configuring a feature on a Connector will provision the corresponding MX product on any Connection that successfully exits that Connector.

Quiltt FeatureMX ProductNotes
ACCOUNT_NUMBERSInstant Account Verification
ACCOUNT_OWNERSAccount Owner IdentificationOnly available via Connection Remote Data
BALANCESAccount AggregationActivates the other MX Account Aggregation features
INVESTMENTSAccount AggregationActivates the other MX Account Aggregation features
LIABILITIESAccount AggregationActivates the other MX Account Aggregation features
TRANSACTIONSAccount AggregationActivates the other MX Account Aggregation features
Learn how Connector Features affect the list of available institutions in the Features section of the Connector docs.

To request changes to how Connector initializes the MX Connect widget, please contact Quiltt Support.

Link to this section#Environment-specific

By default MX provides around 90 days months of transaction history. To obtain 24 months of history, enable MX's premium Extended Transactions History feature on the Environment's MX Integration page in Dashboard. Note that this feature may incur a one-time per-connection fee.

Link to this section#Testing and Sandbox

In non-production MX-enabled Connectors, you can access MX data by connecting to the MX Bank institution. If you're using the Quiltt Universal Search, use the MX Sandbox Bank Institution.

Link to this section#Test Credentials

For MX Bank (OAuth) or MX Sandbox Bank (OAuth), simply follow the instructions to create a healthy Connection.

For MX Bank or MX Sandbox Bank, use the following credentials in MX Connect:

Username: mxuser Password: correct

For more information, please refer to the MX Bank Testing Scenarios guide.