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Quiltt uses GraphQL as the primary API interface for an individual user's data. If you are new to GraphQL, we recommend trying out the introductory materials at GraphQL.org.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need and nothing more, makes it easier to evolve APIs over time, and enables powerful developer tools. - GraphQL

Profile GraphQL API Reference

To access the full documentation and typings, explore the schema in the GraphQL API Reference. or use the GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard

Link to this section#What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a modern and flexible API spec that allows the requesting client to design the response to suit their needs. Rather than having to page through many REST responses containing data that you don't need, you can craft a concise and specific request that is guaranteed to return only the details you do need.

A powerful feature of GraphQL is the ability to pack multiple queries and mutations into a single API call. Additionally, you can also batch requests using tools like Apollo Client, which will, for example, automatically roll up different requests from various components of your React.js app.

Link to this section#GraphQL Explorer

Our interactive GraphQL Explorer gives you access to all the queries and mutations your Quiltt environment supports. Additionally, it ships with an interactive query builder and typed schema explorer.

You can access the GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard

Link to this section#Endpoint and Headers

All GraphQL operations are served through a single endpoint:


Requests must be authenticated with a Profile's Session token, and specify an application/json content type:

Authorization: Bearer <SESSION_TOKEN>
Content-Type: application/json

Link to this section#Queries

Queries allow you to get data related to a user, similar to GET requests in REST.

See the Queries guide for more information.

Link to this section#Mutations

Mutations allow you to modify data related to a user and return the following fields:

  • success to indicate whether the mutation was successful.
  • record to allow querying for nested fields on the subject of the mutation.
  • errors to help troubleshoot unsuccessful mutations.

See the Mutations guide for more information.

Link to this section#Subscriptions

Subscriptions allow you to receive real-time updates whenever a specific event occurs on a Profile.

See the Subscriptions guide for more information.

Link to this section#API Reference

Since GraphQL is strongly typed and self-documenting, the best way to explore our schema is with our interactive GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard.