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A Balance in Quiltt represents the amount of money currently available on a specific Account. Balances are typically updated automatically as part of the regular Connection sync flow.

For payment-related use-cases, you can also trigger a real-time balance refresh to have the underlying provider fetch the latest data from the connected institution. You can see how the real-time balance feature works in the video below:

Note that in Production, triggering real-time balance checks will usually incur a small fee per API call. Please refer to your Quiltt agreement for more information.

Link to this section#Schemas & Types

Profile GraphQL API Reference

To access the full documentation and typings, explore the schema in the GraphQL API Reference. or use the GraphQL Explorer in the Quiltt Dashboard

Link to this section#Queries

Balances are available on all Accounts in Quiltt. For example, we can fetch the latest balance for all accounts on a profile with the below query:

Link to this section#Response

Link to this section#Webhooks

You can subscribe to new balance data by listening to the balance.created webhook.

The webhook will include the balance.created event type and the new Balance information:

Link to this section#Triggering a Real-Time Balance Refresh

You can trigger a real-time balance refresh by calling the Trigger a Balance Refresh Platform API endpoint.


Successful requests will return a 202 Accepted status code and trigger a refresh from the underlying provider. As soon as new balance information is available, the balance.created webhook will be fired with the new balance data.

Please refer to the Webhooks guides for more information and code examples on how to listen to webhooks from Quiltt.